National Automobile Museum, Reno, NV


My husband and daughter take the National Automobile Museum for a spin in Reno, NV.

Back in April 2021 we visited the National Automobile Museum in Reno, NV. At the time we had a 2-for-1 Groupon for just $12.00 and bought our 11-year old daughter's ticket for just $6.00. Inflation has since taken hold and tickets are now $15.00 for general admission, $10.00 for kids. Masks are also still required per the Nevada mask mandate.

1892 Philion - one of the oldest existing American-built "automobiles."
This museum houses the Harrah Collection of over 200 cars from the turn of the century to modern times, including concept cars, cars owned by famous people, and the Thomas Flyer, "The Car that Won the Only Around the World Race" from New York to Paris. Each display section is decorated with facades from each era and include a lot of history to read and other artifacts, like tools and clothing. There is one car available to sit in for a photo op; otherwise, all displays are hands off.

We went on a Friday morning, and the museum was not crowded at all. If you are a car aficionado, this museum is a definite must-visit. With all the rich history, it's easy to spend hours here. We did! Here's how our visit went:

Check it out and enjoy the ride!
