Getting Around

Getting around on a beach in Coronado, CA

How to get around this blog...

This blog is all about our fun trips. Whether it was a vacation trip or a local trip, we write about it here so you can see what it was like and determine if you want to take a similar trip.

We've used the "Labels" feature on this blog (on the right hand side of the Home page) to enable you to search trips by place, cost, or holiday/season.


We label trips for the general town, or region, where a trip was located.  The specific address of a trip is at the end of its post.


The cost label is the cost, per person, to actually get into a venue.  Here is my key for the cost labels in this blog:
  • Free 
  • $ - Inexpensive: Less than $20 
  • $$ - Moderately priced: $20 - $49 
  • $$$ - Expensive: $50 - $100 
  • $$$$ - Very expensive: Over $100 
Some venues are free, but require pay for individual activities.  In these cases, the cost would be at the discretion of the participant.  For these particular venues, we label them as
  • "Free" if there is still plenty to do at the venue without paying for individual activities 
  • The relevant range of "$" symbols if it is impossible to have fun without paying for individual activities.  The range of "$" signs would reflect the minimum cost outlay required to make the venue worthwhile. 

Holiday/ Season

We apply holiday or season labels, such as "Halloween", "Christmas", "Summer", or "Winter" to any trip that would be great to do for that holiday or season, even if it may be available to do year-round.

Other Labels

We might use other labels on this blog to make searching for trips more convenient as we add more posts.  Stay tuned for more to come!

We hope you find these labels helpful for getting around this blog, and this blog helpful for getting around town(s).  If you think there are other ways to make this blog helpful, please let us know in the comments below.

Happy Trippin'!
