
  • The purpose of this blog is to share my travel experiences and maybe even be a little entertaining along the way.   
  • Its content expresses my personal opinions and  experiences. Anyone's experiences with any venue featured on this blog may be entirely different from mine for any reason. Opinions and experiences expressed in this blog do not represent anyone else's opinions, views, or experiences anywhere at anytime.
  • Information provided on this blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but it is possible that there may be omissions, errors, or mistakes.  
  • Information presented on this blog is also intended for entertainment and informational purposes only; it should not be construed as any type of advice from any type of professional. 
  • Reliance on information in this blog as advice is at your own risk. 
  • I am not a licensed anything, so my information should not be construed as professional advice.  
  • As author of this blog, I reserve the right to change how I manage or run this blog and may change the focus or content of this blog at any time. 
  • All content on this blog, including photos, graphics and text, were either specifically created for this blog or used by permission. Please obtain the proper permission before using any photos, graphics, text, or other content on this blog. Some photos are personal photos belonging to the blog author and may not be used, or downloaded, without the author's expressed written consent.
  • All comments are moderated completely at my discretion. Comments are the sole responsibility of the commentator and are the expressed views and opinions of the commentator alone; they do not represent the views or opinions of the blog author or anyone else associated with this blog.