Waterfront Park, San Diego

Fountains in the newly built Waterfront Park, San Diego
We had been to San Diego many times, but when we went back for Labor Day Weekend 2019 there was a newly built Waterfront Park around the San Diego County building.  Since it was a free park promising splashing fun for my daughter, we decided to go.

Parking, however, was a nightmare.  We had gone in the afternoon, right after our Coronado tour, so the streets were crowded.  We literally drove up and down, all around streets, before we got lucky just across the north end of the park (between Embarcadero and Harbor), pulling in to a metered parking spot that someone just vacated.  We paid $5.00 for 2 hours.  (The underground parking – if you can get it – was $10.00.)

We found a shaded bench right between the interactive fountains and the bathrooms and ate our packed lunch.  Then I got dressed in the bathroom before joining my daughter in the fountain.

We spent all our time in the fountain because it was hot and that's all we wanted to do.  So we did not get an opportunity to play in the playgrounds on the south side of the park.

While there were plenty of other people in the fountains, it actually wasn't that crowded.  There was plenty of room on the surrounding grassy areas, and in the fountain, for families to hang out and play.

The water was so nice and warm when we got in!  It was such the perfect temperature that we really didn't want to get out.

We waded, made "water angels," and splashed.  My daughter attempted to perfect her handstand. 
What we should not have done (stupid me) was play tag.  I was fine because I had rubber-soled water shoes on and didn't run that fast, but I did not realize how slippery the fountain was for my barefooted daughter, who ran full-throttle and slid on her bottom -- at which point the security guard asked my husband to tell us, "No running!"  Oops.  I felt like such a bad mom!  But my daughter got up and shook it off.  She insisted it didn't hurt, but I still felt bad.

The security guards also warned us not to block the opening of the spray where the water comes out – which kids are apparently fond of doing.

After getting our fill of splashing in the fountain, we dried off and headed to the interesting sculpture in the garden for a photo op.  It was so hot that day that we practically air-dried.

Then it was time to pack up and head to our car before the meter ran out.  And, wouldn't you know it?  There was a car behind us waiting for our spot....

Have you been to the playgrounds at Waterfront Park San Diego?  Please share your experience.  We'd love to hear from you.  Happy splashing!
