Vasquez Rocks

Vasquez Rocks, Agua Dulce, CA

My husband has always wanted to see Vasquez Rocks because they are a famous film location for movies like The Flintstones, Blazing Saddles and Star Trek. So on January 10, 2021 we decided to go despite a few COVID restrictions.

Vasquez Rocks star in The Flintstones, Blazing Saddles, and Star Trek

We learned from our trip what to pack and what to wear:

  • Food and water (to eat lunch in the car)
  • Hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes (there are no sinks available)
  • Masks (required within 6 feet of others, but really helped to protect against cold wind)
  • Hat, hood, or hair tie (to keep hair off the face in high winds)
  • Sunglasses
  • Rugged jeans (to protect legs from rocks and bushes)
  • Anti-blister socks
  • Close-toed shoes with plenty of traction

Vasquez Rocks Natural Park is located in Agua Dulce, CA. There is no entrance fee. 

At the gate are roads to three parking lots: 1) small lot on the right in front of the Interpretive Center 2) a small lot to the left between the Rocks and the Interpretive Center and 3) a much larger lot to the left, past the small lot, located at the Rocks. We chose lot 3).

There were plenty of people hiking and climbing the rocks when we arrived. Others were playing with remote controlled model cars, walking their dogs, or conducting formal photography sessions. We saw one drone, which is actually prohibited.

There are some picnic tables, but we opted to eat in our car due to the pandemic. All the buildings on the property, including the gift shop and the Interpretive Center, are closed. There are only portable toilets available, but no sinks. Good thing we brought lots of hand sanitizer!

The Interpretive Center & gift shop are closed during the pandemic.

My daughter had so much fun climbing! She and my husband almost made it to the top of the main Vasquez Rock. 

On top of the world... almost 😊

We learned a few things about climbing:

  • Just because you can go up doesn’t always mean you can get down. Consider the steepness. The steeper the climb, the harder it is to come down. We had to scoot down on our butts in some cases because the incline down was steeper than anticipated.
  • Loose gravel and sand are *very* slippery. Step on solid rock on the trails wherever you can. Do not run!

The scenery at Vasquez Rocks is absolutely breathtaking. There is more than just the famous rock to climb. There are trails and rocks everywhere. Some of the most interesting ones we found were:

Toad Rock
There is no sign calling this rock a “Toad”, but it really looked like one, so we named it “Toad Rock.”
Snake Tooth Cave
We named this cave ourselves because the opening looked like snake fangs.
Witch's Hat
This is an actual rock formation called “Witch’s Hat” near the Interpretive Center. Be sure to walk from the Rocks to the Interpretive Center using a path adjacent to the road, instead of using the road itself, or you’ll miss it. It is located between the second small parking lot and the Interpretive Center.

Catch our video to take in the views… and the wind! There was so much wind! 

We highly recommend visiting Vasquez Rocks. It will take your breath away!
